Sounder Horn E2xS112EG 24vDC Black

110dB(A) IP66/67 45T

Varenr: E2XS112EG024DC
BeskrivelseTeknisk info
E2xS112 Alarm Sounder/ Horn
Important notice:
The E2x ‘EG’ range of products currently comply with withdrawn standard EN50021 and therefore E2S are not permitted to issue a Declaration of Conformity. For applications in potentially explosive atmospheres within the EU this product can currently be used as a replacement to existing installations but not in new installations. For applications outside the EU the legislative restrictions on use do not apply. Please contact us if any further information is required.

The hazardous area E2xS112 alarm sounder is ATEX certified for Zone 2 applications and also UL approved for Class I Div 2 applications.
With a nominal sound level output of 116dB(A) at 1 metre and a choice of 45 alarm tones and 3 remotely selectable stages the E2xS112 alarm sounder horn is suitable for all general signalling duties.
The E2x range features enclosures manufactured from lightweight, corrosion proof PPS and high impact, fire retardant ABS re-entrant flare horns; both of which are suitable for the harshest of environments.

• Automatic synchronisation on multi-sounder system. • Very large termination area.
• Ratchet adjustable stainless steel ‘U’ bracket.

• ATEX certificate: DEMKO 06 ATEX 0421554, EN 50021: 1999

Part codes:
ATEX version:
E2xS112EG** II 3G EEx nA nL IIC T4 (Tamb -20°C to +55°C)
** = Voltage reference:
Options: 24DC, 48DC, 115AC, 230AC
Teknisk info


Gruppe 2 Ex Lyd
Gruppe 3 Ex Alarmhorn Zone 2
Kategori Hovedprodukt
Produsent E2S