Procandala Obstruction light PRO32-360

24vDC 32cd RED 360° IP66&IP67 AVV & ICAO

Varenr: 100811
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Procandela Obstruction Light PRO32-360


Technical Data


Effective luminous intensity: 10cd red / 32cd red
Average life: > 100.000 hours


Illuminants 180° versions: 3 LEDs, red
Illuminants 360° versions: 6 LEDs, red


Power consumption 10cd versions: ˜ 1,5W
Power consumption 32cd versions: ˜ 4W


Temperature range: -40°C to +50°C
Housing: Anodized Aluminium, seawater resistant
Protection class: IP66 & IP67


Dimensions: Ø 50mm, length varies
Weight: ˜ 0,5 kg
Power supply: 24VDC (or 230VAC via proBox Low control cabinet)


Design and mounting varies depending on intended purpose (magnetical-, troughhole and screwing fixture)


Approval: AVV, ICAO
Warranty: 2 years, 5 years (optional)



ProCandela Obstruction light series PRO10 and PRO32 and accessories
by ENERTRAG Systemtechnik GmbH

Teknisk info


Gruppe 1 "Wide Area" Varsling
Gruppe 2 Visuell Varsling
Gruppe 3 LED Hinderlys ICAO
IP Tetthetsgrad
  • IP00 (NA)
  • IP21
  • IP30
  • IP33
  • IP54
  • IP55
  • IP56
  • IP65
  • IP66
  • IP67
Kapslings-Farge Metall-farget
Linse-Farge Rød
Lys-Styrke ICAO Lav-intensitet type B (<32 candela)
  • Metall
  • Aluminium
  • Aluminium Marin Grade
Merke-Spenning 24vDC
Modell Serie
  • Procandala PRO-serie
  • PRO-32
Monteringsmetode Tak-montering
Produkt-type LED Hinderlys
Produsent Enertrag
