Control unit type ITCU-8, 230vAC
i.a.t. I-16503-1:
- Control unit of whole system
- With 8 alarm inputs (N.O. contacts) for general, CO2, fire, GAS, machinery, DMA, telephone and telegraph
- Power supply 230vAC
- Bulkhead mounting
- Including sirens’ modules
Package includes 2 ses Instruction books in English
and Basic spare parts set
- System with 2 control units: Completely separated 2 systems
- System with 1 control unit : Alarms will be simultaneously activated in both engine rooms. Example: When telephone alarm is activated on control unit it will activate telephone signalling on all light columns (both engine rooms)
- It is possible to make system with 1 control unit where some of the alarms will be common for both ER and some separate for each engine room. In that case we would require more information from project.