Airhorn TYFON MKD 150/3 Supertripple

150dB @1mtr

Varenr: 24500115
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High-power Sound Emitter for Long Range Alarm
TYFON MKD 150/3 Supertripple is a HIGHPOWER sound emitter specially developed to cover large areas.

On TYFON MKD 150/3 is capable of covering an area that is several times as large as the
area covered by traditional sound emitter.
The long range coverage is obtained by an extremely high sound pressure output and a
favourable tone composition. The effective Sound Pressure Level at 1m is 150db for
one Supertripple, high output version with 2 levels 156 dB with only six horns with air
consumption of only 200l/sec.
Characteristics of Tyfon MKD 150/3 Superripple
• Very high acoustic power and efficiency.
• Tone composition for maximum audibility.
• Requiring no maintenance.
• The sound distribution from a composite tone sound emitter is not affected by phase interference from different horns. A triple or quadruple horn array, which is connected to one master generator, may have a distribution pattern with a numbers of sectors of reduced sound intensity owing to such a phase interference.
• A “masking” of an acoustic alarm by noise and other temporary sound is less probable to occur when more then one basic frequency is being used for the alarm signal.
Teknisk info


Gruppe 2 Akustisk alarm
Gruppe 3 Trykkluftshorn
Produsent Kockum Sonics AB
