Power Amplifier MTK 250

Varenr: 25530130
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Power Amplifier Type MTK 250
For Electronic TYFON® Whistle ETD 100/350
The Power Amplifier MTK 250 is in principle a converter
by means of which the direct current from a battery or DC
generator is treated by an electronic oscillator to an
alternating current of a frequency and wave form suitable
to feed the horn. A quartz crystal keeps the frequency
superstable, and the digital oscillator followed by a special
amplifier gives an extremely high efficiency and reliability
in the conversion process.
The MTK 250 amplifier has the following features:
• Generate momentary signals with a push-button or
our series of signal controllers.
• Pre-programmed with following signal characters:
- General Emergency Alarm
- River signal
- Open sea signal
- Stay away signal
• Can be used as a PA-amplifier when a microphone is
Technical data
Frequency (basic): 350 Hz
Sound Pressure Level (1m) Total: 132 dB
1/3 octave (IMO limit 130dB): 131 dB
Power consumption (signal): 250 W
Power consumption (standby) 5 W
Heating element: 25 W
Power source (nominal): 24V DC
Min: 20V DC. Max: 27V DC
Operating ambient temp. (MTK 250):
Protection class:
Weight (ETD 100/350):
Weight (MTK 250):
0... + 50° C
8 kg
3.1 kg
TYFON ETD 100/350 is equipped with a heating element
controlled by a thermostat which switches on at a
temperature below + 10° C.
The amplifier MTK 250 is to be mounted indoors.
An advantage with TYFON ETD 100/350 is, that the length
of the cable between whistle and power amplifier is not
critical. With a cable section of 2 x 4mm² a distance up to
30m, and with 2 x 2,5mm² up to 10m.
The MTK 250 enclosure has holes for cable penetrations
on the long side.
Always snap mount the two enclosed ferrite cores on the
mains supply cable and the cable to the ETD 100/350.
Note: Always use RF-shielded cables and always use
the original enclosure.
Teknisk info


Gruppe 2 Akustisk alarm
Gruppe 3 Elektronisk alarmhorn
Produsent Kockum Sonics AB